Starting in the late afternoon of July 9, Downtown New West will be quite different from all other Tuesdays. Instead of cars going up and down on 8th Street, more than 200 cyclists will be pedaling hard up the hill climb. Rather than sidewalks with a handful of pedestrians, spectators will cheer as loud as they can as cyclists zoom past. The New West Grand Prix is a part of BC Superweek, Canada’s biggest pro-cycling series. Cyclists grit their teeth through nine intense races in 10 days. This is bound to be an unforgettable experience for everyone you wouldn’t want to miss!
Wondering where to watch the race? Here are the top four spots to catch the race.
Speed? Along Columbia
Watch more than 200 cyclists zoom past you in a minute. The speed and adrenaline will get you jumping up and down for sure! The start and end area is also on Columbia Street, making this the place to be to watch the cyclists start en masse and to catch the moment the first rider passes the finish line. Each time the cyclists end a lap and start a new lap, they want to hear your loudest cheer!
Strategy and hard work? 8th Street hill climb
New West is infamous for all the hills making 8th Street a challenging hill climb for any cyclist. Cheer as loud as you can as the cyclists pump uphill!
Least crowded? Along Carnarvon
To get a better look at the cyclists, gather along Carnarvon. The cyclists have just made it up the hill climb so make sure you make some noise to keep them going!
Potential crashes? Corner of 6th and Columbia
Corners are always an opportunity to be strategic. This is where the game can change and cyclists shuffle around. There will certainly be lots of action around the four corners of the race and particularly the corner of 6th and Columbia!
Hope to see everyone by the sidelines on July 9! For more information, visit: http://newwestgrandprix.com/