The Official Guide

To New West

Where stories meet


Home to theatre, festivals, markets, trivia nights, and live music. There are endless things to do in New Westminster.

Current Month

16jan(jan 16)4:30 pm28feb(feb 28)7:00 pmThe Amelia Douglas Gallery Presents: Walking Alongside Trauma(January 16) 4:30 pm – (February 28) 7:00 pm(GMT-08:00)

02feb(feb 2)9:00 am05mar(mar 5)5:00 pm“Urban Ruptures: Glitched Realities” by Pj Murashige Patten and Dizz McGruberExperience the fusion of creativity! 🎨✨ Two artists, two mediums, and two technologies come together for something truly unique.9:00 am – (March 5) 5:00 pm(GMT-08:00)

13feb(feb 13)8:00 pm02mar(mar 2)4:00 pmVagabond Players Presents A Nice Indian Boy8:00 pm – (March 2) 4:00 pm(GMT-08:00)


New West is defined by six unique neighbourhoods.
Each with their own characteristics, quirks, and stories to tell.


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