Retro New West: Antique Alley & B-Bombshell Hair Salon

Retro: something that is imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past. Some places are imitative of the past, while others seem to transport you to a completely different time era. Think of Antique Alley and B-Bombshell Hair Salon, for example: Antique Alley materializes our memories by presenting to us the antiques […]
New West: Bridal Capital of British Columbia

Weddings require a lot of planning and a lot of work! And it’s for this reason that New West is an attractive destination for prospective brides. We’re a one stop shop for all things matrimony.
New West Museum & Archives: Upcoming Programs & Attractions to End Off 2019

Happy Back-to-School season! As the weather begins to cool and people get back into the swing of their autumn schedules, the New West Museum & Archives soldiers on with an innumerable amount of programs and exhibitions. Read on to learn more about the attractions you’ll FALL for! -Upcoming Exhibits- 1. The Heat Is […]
New West Museum & Archives: Unique Summer Attractions That’ll Keep You Cool!

The New West Museum & Archives has at least one large advantage over other existing museums, and it has to do with our city’s age! For thousands of years, the place we now know as New Westminster has been important to the Indigenous peoples of the North West Coast. As the first capital […]