Retro New West: Antique Alley & B-Bombshell Hair Salon

Retro: something that is imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past. Some places are imitative of the past, while others seem to transport you to a completely different time era. Think of Antique Alley and B-Bombshell Hair Salon, for example:  Antique Alley materializes our memories by presenting to us the antiques […]

New West: Bridal Capital of British Columbia

Weddings require a lot of planning and a lot of work! And it’s for this reason that New West is an attractive destination for prospective brides. We’re a one stop shop for all things matrimony.  

New West Museum & Archives: Upcoming Programs & Attractions to End Off 2019

  Happy Back-to-School season! As the weather begins to cool and people get back into the swing of their autumn schedules, the New West Museum & Archives soldiers on with an innumerable amount of programs and exhibitions. Read on to learn more about the attractions you’ll FALL for!    -Upcoming Exhibits- 1. The Heat Is […]